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Counting down the days till Scarefest

Lets start this one off with with some fun, who else would dress up in an inflatable Dinosaur costume but Paul more so who would own such a costume but Mark King, kids and their toys eh?

Paul the Dinosaur

What we wont talk about is the BBQ spontaneously combusting after adding some Costco sausages. I’m not just talking a little fire, I’m talking the outside walls of the BBQ where alight

Logitech G915

On the subject of new toys I managed to grab my self a new keyboard as the letters where staring to rub off my DasKeyboard, that and i wanted a wireless one for a cleaner look (thats still a way off)

Clearly long overdue deep clean

With Paige moving out I needed to clean up any Cat allergen remains so popped to the parents and borrowed the Rug Dr to go over the house top to bottom. You never really know how dirty a carpet is do you? But went over every room, chair, mat and the stairs a few times till i was satisfied

Burger and Chipssssssss

After all that hard work I had to reward myself, so got a big dirty burger delivered for tea. I felt like I deserved it, but after all the cleaning and leaving all the windows and doors open the house was smelling fresh and clean

Toothbrush in Home Assistant?

So yeah, this happened was brushing my teeth as one does, and checked the Home Assistant app to turn the heating up, There was a little “1” next to the setting and upon clicking it a new device was discovered. To my surprise the BLE Proxy I had installed earlier this week had picked up my toothbrush and HA was asking me to add the integration for it, so why not, Not sure I’ll ever use it for anything but its there

Published inPersonal

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