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Will I get Busted with these Works of art?

This may not be one for the kids to see but after getting invited over to a friends the challenge was set, what can we get away with to leave them scratching their heads?

To the right of Mr.Mgoo (Mark King) you’ll see one of the photos that we decided to get photos printed out and framed (ref cover image) to leave dotted around the house, including the bedroom. It took a while to get them out without being noticed but we managed

The monthly update wouldn’t be complete without more RGB right?

Thought I’d try and use up some of the additional strip light i had laying around. I like the first effect but its only going to work for the one window. I think I’m going to go with the last effect and maybe some L trunking to direct the light more at the floor but we’ll see how a test of this goes

While we are on about RGB it’d be rude not to talk about my new door number, and yes it is linked to home assistant and runs WLED on a ESP-01 with RGB Carrier Board

May or may not have ended up at busted

Feels like it would have been rude not to go see them live given the chance, especially with Hanson as the supporting act. Video and audio may not be the best but damm it i was there and loved it with Amber as the best company, I couldn’t not take her, she bought the tickets ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oh and a cheeky trip to Hitchin

Had to drop the cousin off down in Hitchin, and naturally with it being a long drive someone fell asleep…..

Its borderline mandatory to take embarrassing photos of someone who falls asleep in the car, Excuse the packed in items, Ended up hiring a Merc GLC to go down in just for the space and it still took some Tetris skills to wedge everything in

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