This is my go to for home automation, I’ve been dabbling in home automation for a while now and its coming on nicely. It all started off with a spare raspberry PI and me looking for something to tinker with
For those who haven’t seen or heard of Home Assistant see below
Now I’ll be honest for the first few months of playing around and getting to know it there where issues. As far back as the early days of 2016 the project was very immature as was my knowledge of it. There where many rebuilds normally forgetting to take backups leaving me to start over and over again.
All being told this was a tinkering with the project while it has been maturing and growing. As its matured my love for it has grown for it as with every build comes stability and more integration.
The Problem
Outgrowing the Pi was always going to happen, after all this was starting to do more and more. I found myself adding more and more bolt ons to add features and functionality
- To store historic data on who did what actions
- To store historic sensor data, power usage, temperature, who was home and when
- ZoneMinder
- To store CCTV footage
- To send alerts to Home Assistant
- Tensorflow
- For object detections
- To send alerts on object detections
- Mosquito
- MQTT server for sensors to report into
- Home Assistant then reads the sensor data to display and act upon it
At present I’ve started a new Home Assistant instance in the cloud, one of my main pages is the below

Naturally this is a work in progress, but I’ve recently discovered the “Home Assistant Community Store” or HACS. In here there is a plugin to connect multiple instances together, Presenting on prem resources to my cloud instance this could be interesting?
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