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The new home of Boxy Saffron Bat

The time has come to move Boxy Saffron Bat (stats here) to a new home. As per the cover photo lets hope he starts flying off to new heights

Picture of the Resultant Outdoor Box
Remote 4G Powered Miner

Above is the solution came up with for moving the miner from his current indoor loft space to his new outdoor one this coming weekend (Sunday 3rd October)

Shopping List

For ease of use I’ve tried to link as much as possible to help anyone else looking to achieve the same. Some items like the 3 Socket plug board where a local Lidl special that worked out being just what was needed for the job

My world of routing and CGNAT

Was originally planning to install the weekend gone (Sunday 26th September) but ended up in a world of pain with the Three sim card (more precisely the service they offer)

For some info on getting a public IP/Nat please see my previous article. there wasn’t a large amount of time looking to the the why but when using a Three sim card i was able to dial a OpenVPN and pass data over it. This is as long as the data didn’t try to breakout over the remote Internet. The laptop used was able to access resources on the remote end like the web ui of the Firewall. So first thought was it must be the content filter, after a swift call to Three support this was disabled. This did make the situation better as the laptop was able to load up some pages (MSN, Hotmail). This all sounds good, apart from the Bat was still unable to sync the HNT blockchain

Many head scratches and configuration changes later the VPN was tested on my home Internet and the public IP was changed as expected. This led me on to trying my daily sim card in the 4G router and that was it working. So it must be an issue with the or in the carrier network, to prove this i swapped back leaving the configuration in place and it was a no go again.

So today was a quick call to Three to cancel the current sim only contract while in the 14 day grace period. Followed up by another call to Vodafone for their unlimited 4/5G sim 12 month contract


As promised here are a few pretty pictures from the installation (excuse the ends of cable ties, hadn’t tidied them and the tools away yet) but the Bat is back and not relayed thanks to some special sauce configuration

Published inHeliumMining

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