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Lets get green(er) with solar

We left off last month with the plans to go get solar’ed up, so here we are 1 x Solar install done. Well the hardware side, now its just a waiting game for the DNO to approve my export and ESE to hand over the access details for the various portals.

From left to right. DC Isolator, Hybrid inverter, Solar Miner, AC Isolator, 9.4 kWh Battery

All in all quite a neat job at least going in my estimations, From a 10AM start with no panels just scaffolding till about 2PM with everything up and running.

Screenshot from Lux Android app

So with that all the apps and cloud access in place and setup its naturally my time to start. First of all prodding and poking the software to see what it can do Locally.

Firstly let me introduce an amazing piece of work on github by the name of lxp-bridge. This is the first component I’ll be linking up to get some control of my new toy in home assistant.

Me being me I took full advantage of the docker container here and got it setup and rolled out. Start to finish took about half an hour to give me an absolute WALL of switches, drop downs and data

Screenshot of the data in home assistant

So with the data at hand, well home assistants hands to be technically correct it’s time to start jotting some ideas. What’s needed to automate my home for some power savings…

Octopus Energy Integration

Next up was the Octopus energy integration by BottlecapDave from HACS (Home Assistant Community Store). With this giving me access to tariff information as well as the saving sessions

Screenshot of the devices provided by the integration

Being on the octopus intelligent go tariff allows sessions priced at 0.075 per kWh when the grid allows to charge my car but also between 11:30PM and 5:30AM, now if only there was a way to connect these up

Published inHome AssistantPersonalSolar

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