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Solar or not? that is the question

Thought I’d get a head start on capturing and utilising the sun the best I can for when it comes around in the coming months. Especially living the life of an Electric Car owner with a server rack running in the garage and gaming computer to boot (as seen here)

Initially knowing how much electricity I was using on a monthly basis I was only after solar the thoughts being if i use on average 25 to 30 kWh a day there was no way I’d generate more then that to need storage.

As mentioned previously being an intelligent Octopus Go customer my rate drops to £0.075 per unit between 23:30 and 05:30. As this is the whole house price why not take as much as i can and store it for use outside of the hours of 23:30 and 05:30. This is when the penny dropped… I need battery storage and I’ll also need an inverter that can handle more then the basic 3.6kWh if I plan to expand the battery storage

For en example I’ve listed some of the quotes below:

Quote from Glow Green
Quote from ESE

After some back and forward and classic “Bartering” I ended up going with ESE group, changing the quote to a 5kWh inverter and swapping the 3 x 3.2kWh batteries for a single 9.4kWh.

There is also the Carbon collector that I’m personally not betting on, this is sold on the basis of an extra £0.10 per kWh on energy generated from the solar panels no matter what is done with it.

The final quote I’ve gone with is below:

Published inSolar

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