Suns starting to show, weathers warming and the sun is shining so lets start of a list of goes to be done in time for summer
- Grass seed down
- Weeds gone
- Patio stones filling
- Power + network to the shed
- BBQ Buying
- Fence painting and repair
Its a big list but already made a start on it, been out and bought a weed burner (see below) been all around the back garden, best part is if its ash it just blows away with the wind.
Next I’ll be out to give it a final clear off then fill in the gaps with a sand / cement mix to try and keep things at bay and stones in place for the foreseeable.
Next up is power and networking to the shed, this is mainly for an extra Unifi access point, Garden Lights, Lawnmower and pre-emptive planning for a hot tub for this summer or next so a substantial feed to be ran.
In the middle of this when moving in there are 3 roof lights (GU10) blown and in need of replacement as they are all in different rooms this has not been a priority. To keep in the theme of smart home I’m likely to by getting some TRÅDFRI bulbs from Ikea, Naturally they will be the warm white and colour valiants

These bulbs boast support for Zigbee wireless protocol and are listed on the Blackadder site supporting:
- Color temperature
- Color xy
- Brightness
In Zigbee2MQTT allowing it to integrate into Home Assistant as well as using the native Zigbee grouping ability to control groups of them as a single object. This has the advantage of minimising traffic on the Zigbee network as well as syncing all the bulbs so you don’t get one coming in out of order.
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