So no one asked, but what have I been up to in the sunny month of June?

I managed to add to my ever growing collection of RGB with a new outside light, replacing the broken one that was in when I moved in, It spends most of its life white but there is always the holidays to change its colour as needed for effect. Just a generic B&Q Light with an Ikea TRÅDFRI bulb in, paired up to home assistant via Zigbee

Had a cheeky catch up with my cousin Tom at the local watering hole, that naturally ended up a 4am finish at mine after a taxi stopping off for beers (thanks for the free beers Tom) it was kind of a last minute plan but they are always the best of plans

Ohhh and I had a cheeky holiday away with the fam only a week but managed to keep myself busy exploring the local area. Some strange restaurants that served steak and mexican foods along with traditional English dishes. Of course there was also a lot of sangria drank once we found the best around

It was a lovely villa in Murcia, Spain what left me amazing was a local supermarket stocking RGB LED strip both analogue and digital on the reel. If i had some spare room in my case i’d have gotten som at their prices

And bringing the month of June to a close booked up to go to Alton Towers during the Scarefest event, Staying on site in the “Tree house” soo errm advanced happy birthday from me to me? It was originally going to be the first weekend but there are some “stange” reviews about it being Travellers weekend and to avoid it, So booked later in the month with a few friends
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